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the Ambrosian chants

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  • Ambrosian chant — (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St.… …   Wikipedia

  • Ambrosian chant — the liturgical chant, established by Saint Ambrose, characterized by ornamented, often antiphonal, singing. Also called Milanese chant. [1875 80] * * * ▪ vocal music       monophonic, or unison, chant that accompanies the Latin mass and canonical …   Universalium

  • Ambrosian Chant — • Chant composed by St. Ambrose Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambrosian Chant     Ambrosian Chant     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ambrosian Chant —    Chant sung in Roman Catholic liturgies in the diocese of Milan, Italy, traditionally attributed to St. Ambrose of Milan but now discredited, whose prestige helped ensure its survival as a distinct repertory despite the growing dominance of… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • Liturgical books of the Roman Rite — The liturgical books of the Roman Rite at the beginning of the twentieth century, writings designed to specify the way the religious services of that liturgical rite of the Roman Catholic Church were then held, are described in this article. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Office of the Dead — The Office of the Dead is a prayer cycle of the Liturgy of the Hours in the Roman Catholic Church, said for the repose of the soul of a decedent. It is the proper reading on All Souls Day (normally November 2) for all souls in Purgatory, and can… …   Wikipedia

  • ambrosian chant — noun Usage: usually capitalized A : the plainsong associated with the liturgy of the church of Milan including antiphonal psalm chants ascribed to St. Ambrose * * * the liturgical chant, established by Saint Ambrose, characterized by ornamented,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lessons in the Liturgy — • The reading of lessons from the Bible, Acts of Martyrs, or approved Fathers of the Church, forms an important element of Christian services in all rites since the beginning Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Lessons in the Liturgy      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Music of the Mass — • Article covers exclusively the texts of the Mass (not seasonal) which receive a musical treatment Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Music of the Mass     Music of the Mass …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Liturgy of the Hours — in a monastery of Carthusian nuns. This article refers to the Liturgy of the Hours as a specific manifestation of the public prayer of the Catholic Church. For its application in other communions, see canonical hours. The Liturgy of the Hours… …   Wikipedia

  • Office of the Dead — • Historical article on a special set of prayers for the deceased Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Office of the Dead     Office of the Dead      …   Catholic encyclopedia

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